Tuesday, September 22, 2009

how to make a simple wedding cakes?

wedding cake decoration
how to make wedding cake decoration?

wedding cake decoration
cake wedding decoration

How to make this?
The size of these cakes start at the bottom of 40cm diameter, 30cm at the second, 20cm at the third, and 15cm at the top.
  1. Cake decorated with Butter Cream all with details as follows:
  2. Each apartment is Butter Cream Flush techniques, and then stacked in sequence (class-2 class, NCC cake decorating class).
  3. At the bottom, begin to make a pattern using the stick first and then fill with the motive to satisfy all Connely shading pattern early, and then given a list no.4 edge using syringes to clarify the motive pattern (1 classes). Based cake, covered with shells comma (syringe no. 22), seized a small comma (syringes no.4), and carvings
  4. Comma above (syringe no.4) - 2nd class lesson.
  5. Compile the second, using a plastic triangle (piping bag), cut a little diujungnya, then pinned on the cake to form a circle motif, and a small carved separately.
  6. Compile the third, help lines created first, then fill with small shells using a syringe no.4 (grade-1 lessons).
  7. Compile the above, still use the syringe to create a motive no.4 dot, or dots.
  8. At each connection between the bottom cake with it, shut down small shells using syringes No.15 (class 1 and class 2).
  9. Alas plywood used is 50cm diameter, using a 10cm difference in principle.
  10. After all neatly decorated cake, place the flowers decorations cake dipuncak bride.
  11. Arrange so that the cake looked beautiful and elegant. Before putting the flowers, it's worth the predetermined look ahead.
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