Monday, July 13, 2009

Brunette Hair For Trendy Look In 2010

Brunette Hair For Trendy 2010 Look

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the terms, Redheads are said to be sassy while Blondes are said to have more fun. So what and where does that leave brunettes with? Brunettes are said to be the most seductive hair color due to its sheer versatility with endless possibilities. Let's take a closer peek.
Brunette, the Most Seductive Hair Color!

You can simply tell by the delicious sounding brunette shades there are : brown sugar, nutmeg, cocoa, caramel, chocolate, cinnamon, caramel and many other “yummy” shades, there is bound to be a brown shade for every individuals to the extreme blackest of black. What's surprising about brunette hair is in terms of general usage, it actually simply refers to women with moderate to dark shades of brown hair. For men with brown hair, they are often just passed off as being dark-haired. Brunette hair is often associated with women with darker eye colors. Hence, if you have either a dark brown or any brown/black shade of eye color, brunette hair would suit you well. Having mentioned that, even if you are blonde with lighter eye color, there is no saying you cannot wear brunette hair. Just ensure you pick a shade that contrasts your skin color. For instance, if you have very pale skin color, avoid wearing a light shade of brown. Go for a darker shade of brown instead; you can end up looking very exotic indeed!
Brunette hair has endless possibilities in terms of hair cut and styling etc. You will never know until you go ahead and try it yourself!
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