Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Properly Maintaining Your Dreadlocks

Properly Maintaining Your Dreadlocks

Dreadlocks have always been a very popular trend among this generation. Once you finally get to the point to where you have a decent set of dreadlocks, you need to think about maintenance. There are many things that you need to know about taking care of your new dreadlocks.
You need to ensure that you do wash your dreadlocks. Do not wash your dreads more than once a week. Try to find a certain shampoo that will not leave any nasty residue behind. This can cause your dreads to come apart or come loose.
If your dreadlocks are fresh, you need to use rubber bands for the tips. Do this when you are shampooing your hair each week. After you have been maintaining for a few weeks, you can then move on to nylon to tie your dreads. These methods will keep your dreads from coming apart when you are washing your hair.
Keeping your dreads dry is also very important. If you do not dry your dreads completely, you can start to develop mold. To dry them properly, squeeze or shake them out. You might want to use a hair dryer, just to be on the safe side.
Ensure that each dread is tightened. If you notice one beginning to get loose, simply tighten it back up by rolling. You can even apply dreadlock wax to keep everything in place! Once you get the hang of all of this, taking care of your dreadlocks is not going to be a difficult proceses!
Photo by PaulS
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