Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Justin Bieber Hairstyle Concert

Justin Bieber Hairstyle Concert Figuring out what to wear at school is hard enough. When it comes to Justin Bieber concerts, the mission gets harder. His concert could be one of the best days of your life, and you want to look good for it, but you don't want a wardrobe malfunction or aching feet to ruin the day. There are two key things to keep in mind for a Justin Bieber concert wardrobe: comfort and style.

Chances are, you're going to be jumping, and dancing. Having said that, you'll need comfortable shoes. If you can dance and jump in heels for hours at a time, go for it. But many girls aren't capable of doing that. Gladiators, sneakers, or simple sandals should do the trick. If the shoes are new, make sure to bring blister band-aids. The last thing you want is a blistery feet from your shoes while you groove to Bieber's tunes.

Once you've decided what shoes you want to wear, the rest of the wardrobe should be easy. A nice pair shorts will offset the heat at the concert and doubles as an agent that will make any outfit cute. If you want to ditch the purse, then just wear a pair of shorts with pockets. Skinnies are also concert-going approved.

The shirt is probably the most difficult to pick out for the event. If you want to belong to the theme of the concert, wear purple. It's also easy to make your own custom Bieber shirt from the mall.

If you love accessories, go bonkers with it. Purple accessories are a plus, but anything cute will do. If you want to go crazy with your Bieber gear, then there are always merchants on eBay who are selling Bieber shoes or dog tags.

What about your hair? You'll probably be sweating in the concert and so having your hair up is a good idea. A simple ponytail should do, but if you want to change it up a bit, you should be able to find a great hair tutorial on YouTube.

In a nutshell, comfortable shoes, and stylish tops and accessories are basically the checklist for the optimal outfit for a Justin Bieber concert. Purple, the theme colour of his concerts is also a good option.

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