Friday, November 18, 2011

Cute And Sporty Hairstyles

Cute And Sporty Hairstyles Do you ever find yourself looking for double-duty hairdos? The kind that can take you from an evening with friends to a relaxed sporting event? I'm not a fan of washing my hair more often than necessary just to get a new style - excess washing can dry my hair out. But I do like changing my looks and with some experimentation I came up with a few that work for me. Maybe they will for you, too.

I started by washing my hair with a curl-enhancing shampoo, followed by a moisturizing conditioner. After spraying some keratin detangler onto my locks, I carefully combed it with a wide-tooth comb to remove any tangles. I like to use Moroccan oil to seal the cuticle and prevent frizz. It's an expensive product, but it really works on coarse, dry hair like mine. Afterwards, I followed with some leave-in product that adds texture and promotes natural curl. I let it air dry.

After dressing for the night but just before I headed out, I scrunched some more Moroccan oil onto the dry curls to add shine. With my hair straighteners on their hottest setting, I smoothed my bangs down and to the side following a low part. With some texturing paste, I shaped them into place with a nice long swoop across my forehead. Voila! A cute nighttime look.

The next morning I had to head to a soccer tournament pretty early. I didn't want to re-do my hair but needed to look decent throughout the day. I gathered my hair up into a high, loose knot and pulled out some small sections right next to my cheeks on either side of my face. I put the hair straighteners on a slightly lower setting (for fear the product would smoke when heated) and turned the barrel so that the hair curled slightly toward my face. I refreshened my bangs with the hair straighteners, too.

Would I have won Miss America? Probably not. But I was definitely a few steps above bed head!

Julie enjoys sharing health and beauty tips. A great resource for flat irons, curling irons and hair styling tools of all kinds is My Hair Styling Tools.

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