Friday, November 11, 2011

Mullet Hairstyle

Mullet HairstyleA mullet hairstyle short in the front and side of her head, and long in back. The word "mullet" was popularized by the Beastie Boys, U.S. hip-hop band, whether they created the word to debate. There are different varieties of mullet, ranging from something like a layered haircut (with short layers on top of head) to a crew cut hair with a long tail extending into the middle of the back.

Seeing this first seen in 1960's America, although it remained marginalized until the 1980s, when "hair metal" and "glam-metal" bands started perming and teasing their hair into a high-maintenance hair mullet. Hair metal musicians all wore big hair short on top, and about shoulder-length at the back.

Currently, this hairstyle is strongly associated with the white working class culture, fans of heavy metal and lesbians. Mullet is therefore not seen as glamorous or desirable. Its reputation worsened, if any, when the hipsters start wearing mullets in the mid-00s.

Haircut is possible to get a strong reaction from other people, from the ironic pleasure in disgust on one side to the other side. I know at least one poetry site dedicated to the mullet hairstyle. For some people, mullet reflects the kind of "who cares what others think?" attitude that they envy or aspire to.

Famous mullet wearer including Joan Jett, Jon Bon Jovi and Nick Cave.

A mullet does not look good on some people. Even if the permed mullet is permanently out of fashion (knock on wood), people with straight or wavy hair can wear the latest version of Ms. Jett haircut (see above photo), with short layered hair frames the face, and shoulder-length hair in back.

This haircut looks best on those handsome with dark hair. I'm not sure why. My guess is, dark hair frames the face and draw attention to it. When someone has a pleasant face, and when cut flatters their face shape, hair style class implications of no longer cared.

For those with lighter hair, or less than stunning features, mullet is a bit of a gamble.
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