Sunday, November 20, 2011

Razored Punk Hairstyle For Men

Razored Punk Hairstyle For Men There are thousands of hairstyles out there, but one of the most unique and sexiest hairstyles of all, is the "Razored Punk" hairstyle. This style has been on the rise for almost twenty years, and has gone through many different additions and switch ups, until its newest, cutest, and messiest look. Both guys and girls have been seen with this hairstyle, as it isn't really a hairstyle set to one specific gender.Below, we are especially going to look at razored punk hairstyle for men...

The cut's interesting name, comes from the way that it was designed; by cutting the hair with a small razor, rather than scissors. The cut itself, can be completely random, but is most commonly found with razor slices at the bangs and on the tips of the hair, giving it a raggedy yet cute look all around. The length of the hair should normally be just past the ears, but it can be longer for the ladies.

The hairstyle itself seems to be most popular amongst the "emo" or "scene" crowd. It being popular with such "crowds", it is more commonly seen with a variety of colors mixed in with black.

This hairstyle was originally brought up by the punk crowd, but over time, the punk crowd itself has transformed, bringing the hair with it. It has all changed into what this generation calls, "Emo". Although emo is used as a stereotype for someone who's emotionally disturbed or shy, it is really a subculture, or style in itself.

The emo culture is a very stylish and rocker associated crowd of people, and they have an amazing sense of being stylish in almost every aspect. Although their style is looked down on by other groups, some of them considered "old fashioned, " the emo crowd and their new styles are still on the rise, especially with their hardcore punk razor styled hair-dos.

Adelia Rossa is a well known author in the punk haircuts niche.

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